Within the dam, the engines room contains 17 generators which produce all the energy, where 16 of them are large generators and two smaller ones operate as one single generator. These must provide hydroelectric energy for regional communities. Kenny Slaught explains that the energy generated from the dam is divided across 15 areas. As one of the biggest energy consumers, Southern California takes up to 28% of Hoover Dam’s energy, followed by the State of Nevada using 23% and the State of Arizona using 18% of consumption volume. The dam powers Native American tribes located near the area. 90% of Las Vegas’ water also comes from Hoover Dam. The lake formed in the dam, Lake Mead, at maximum water volume level, could be the largest water reservoir within the United States. Currently, the Hoover Dam is within the United States Bureau of Reclamation and it stands as one of the most breathtaking must-go places in the country.

Read more: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kenny-slaught-societal-importance-hoover-230600215.html

Kenny Slaught – Acclaims Continued Power Provided From Hoover Dam Generators

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